Thursday, June 22, 2006

Santa Rosa, California: garden spot of the lush and beautiful inland North Coast of California. Today, the second day of summer is hotter than the dickens - this is my first attempt at blogging and I will begin using more florid language as I build my confidence. The trick for me here is to somehow drain the more creative and hopefully most edifying efluvia from my brain and install it onto this page. We will see.
Without putting too fine a point on it, about myself, let me say that I am old enough to draw Social Security and Medicare - I am grateful to have them, I depend upon them. My two children are grown and becoming successful in their chosen fields. My current spouse, having unceremoniously kicked me to the curb will probably never be referred to here again - but who knows for sure. Perhaps one last time when the final papers are drawn.
Politically, I suppose I fall into the anybody but those fools in Washington camp. I wouldn't let Bush or Cheney or Rumsfield into my home unless they had a court order - and then I would resist. They have turned the word patriotic into an odious thing to be cynically manipulated and pimped like an adolescent toss-up...ask your kids.
I am a card carrying Episcopalian who is usually disgusted with his religion and those it attracts....I would love to give it up, but I can't - it really is a part of who and what I am. I must say in its defense that it is much better than when I started with it thirty plus years ago, and so am maybe I should just shut up and do my thing and let it do its thing.
I am a recovering addict and have been attending 12 step recovery meetings for over 24 years. Over the years my participation has waxed and waned due to one thing or another. I don't think I was well served during those years when I was a member in name only, but such is life....right now because I have been kicked to the curb, as well as moved to the other end of the state, where my family is, and because I have a chronic illness that I will disclose in a minute, I am back in the middle of the herd as they say. It feels good.


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